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  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Learning in the World. Umthato 2: Education and Change in South Africa

    In this umthamo, we will look at how education changes as society changes, and as different groups of people gain power. The education provided by communities and governments is different at different times and in different places all over the world. more

  • Being a Teacher: Reading 12. Spoil the Rod, Spare the Child

    Teachers often confuse authority with power, to use the distinction made at the beginning of Reading 11. Probably the most common means of wielding power (for teachers) has been the use of corporal punishment. The following extract was taken from a two-part article in The Educator’s Voice, published by SADTU. Vally briefly analyses some of the reasons for the popularity of corporal punishment... more

  • Subscribe to Vally, Salim