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  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Education Studies Course: Schools as Learning Communities. Umthamo 5: Re-creating School Policy

    In this umthamo, we will try to understand policy, and the role of policy in the process of developing 'quality schools'. The umthamo will guide you in evaluating and re-creating policy in your own school. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Education Studies Course: Schools as Learning Communities. Umthamo 4: Healing the System: Improving Our Schools (2)

    Lo mthamo continues the series that aims to support personal and organizational development of teachers and schools. In the previous umthamo teachers were asked to to implement as many steps of their school development plan as possible In lo mthamo teachers are asked to reflect on the process of implementation and adjust their plans. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Education Studies Course: Schools as Learning Communities. Umthamo 3: Healing the System: Improving Our Schools

    In lo mthamo teachers are encouraged to work with their school management and other school stakeholders to develop their school. They will first look at their own personal development, then at organisational development in order to develop an improvement strategy. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Education Studies Course: Schools as Learning Communities. Umthamo 2: What is a 'Quality School'?

    This umthamo will help teachers develop their own pictures of a quality school in the Eastern Cape.  This will be done through surveying the school stakeholders and examining an effectiveness, relevance and efficiency approach in studying quality. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Studies Course: Schools as Learning Communities. Umthamo 1: Schools: Organizations or "Disorganizations"?

    The way schools are organized and managed affects the quality of learning which takes place in them. Ideally schools should be communities. They should be places where different people all have a part to play, and work together in a supportive way, like the members of a family. The first umthamo looks at the way schools are organized. more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Learning in the World. Umthamo 5: 'A Collective Consciousness': Cluster Development Within the District

    Lo mthamo asks you to take whole school development out into the broader context of the community of schools in your district. We have spoken, in the Schools as Learning Communities strand, of 'Schools as Learning Organisations', of 'Learning Schools', of School Improvement', Whole School Development' and 'Healing the System'. All these have been approaches to developing our schools into '... more

  • University of Fort Hare Distance Education Project. Core Learning Areas Course: Learning in the World. Umthato 2: Education and Change in South Africa

    In this umthamo, we will look at how education changes as society changes, and as different groups of people gain power. The education provided by communities and governments is different at different times and in different places all over the world. more

  • Supporting Teaching Practice: A Manual for Supervisors and Mentors

    The primary aim of this module is to empower teaching practice supervisors and school-based mentors to develop and implement appropriate mentoring programmes to support teaching practice placements in schools. However, as will be seen, the competences associated with mentoring can also be applied more widely. The learning guide of this module addresses four key questions as follows: * What... more

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