Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Case Studies Index

Zone IV
This zone occupies more or less the same elevation (900-1800 m) as the previous or may be at times lower. However, it has lower rainfall of about 500-1000 mm. This is typically represented in surroundings of Naivasha, vast parts of Laikipia and Machakos districts and vast parts of the central and southern Coast Province. It is the home of most Acacia trees and shrubs, including Acacia seyal, Acacia senegal, Acacia brevispica, Acacia drepanolobium and Acacia gerrardii. Euphorbia trees occur in some drier parts of this zone. Combretum and Terchonanthus spp. are also common here. Grasses found include Themeda triandra, Pennisetum mezianum, Pennisetum straminium, Pennisetum massaiense, Eragrostis spp., Hyperenia spp. Seteria spp., Digiteria spp., Bothriochloa insculpta, Cenchrus ciliaris. Rare grasses include Chloris spp. and Cynodon spp. Besides acacia, other important legumes include Indigoferra and Crotolaria.

Zone V
This zone is much drier than Zone IV and occurs at lower elevations. Annual rainfall is 300-600. This Zone is prevalent in northern Baringo, Turkana, lower Makueni and vast parts of North Eastern Province. Low trees and shrubs found here include Acacia mellifera, Acacia tortilis, Acacia horrida, Acacia reficiens, Acacia nubica, Acacia paslii, Acacia zanzibarica, Adansonia digitata, Terminalia prunioides, Dobea spp., Dioppspyros spp. and Commiphora spp. Common grasses are Eragrostis superba, Cenchrus ciliaris, Cymbopogon spp., Bothriochloa spp. and Heteropogon contortus.

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