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Case Studies Index

Article 3: Soil Types... continued
(Source: infonet-biovision: CC: BY NC SA)

Acrisols, Alisols, Lixisols and Luvisols
These kinds of soils occur in the coffee zones in the sub-humid areas, on undulating to hilly topography. They show an increase of clay content in the sub-soil (B-Horizon). The sub-soil is often not very porous, impeding root spreading. They have a relatively low water-storage capacity, compared with nitisols. Acrisols and Alisols in wet areas have a low pH (acid), Al and Mn toxicities and low levels of nutrients and nutrient reserves. These soils have poor structure and need erosion-control measures. Organic and inorganic fertilizers are needed to improve crop production. The soils respond well to fertilizers (especially N, P and K) and to the use of soil organic matter.

Ferralsols occur on gently undulating to undulating topography. They are very old, highly weathered and leached soils, and therefore with a poor fertility, which is restricted to the top soil, as the subsoil has a low cation exchange capacity. Phosphorous (P) and Nitrogen (N) are always deficient. Ferralsols are rich in Aluminium (Al) and Iron (Fe). The nutrient reserves are easily disturbed by agricultural practices. Important management practices include the use of fertilizers (e.g. rock phosphate) and the maintenance of soil organic matter by using green manures, farmyard manures and mulching. Ferralsols have also good physical properties including an excellent capacity to hold moisture. Ferralsols are used to grow several annual and perennial crops, being particularly suited to tree crops such as oil palm, rubber and coffee.

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