Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Case Studies Index

Private Sector Interaction with Agriculture

This part of the lesson describes the multinationals involved in agriculture as well as farmer organizations, co-operatives and other emerging groups. Review the section on Private Sector Participation in the ASDS document, p52 and also the Kenya, Agricultural Sector Adjustment Report II (p1-2).

Activity 40 Minutes

Work in groups of five and after perusing the documents and discussing the questions with the group record in your journal:

  1. List multinationals that are involved in agriculture in Kenya.
  2. Make a comparison of the contribution of small scale farmers and that by the multinationals.
  3. Fill in the names of farmer organizations, co-operatives and any other farmer groups in your region as well as the roles that they play in the spaces provided.
  4. Make a one page report suggesting how farmer organization can strengthen small scale farmers’ contribution to agricultural production in Kenya.
print version