Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Case Studies Index

Capital Resources

Capital resources are any man-made products that are used in the production of other products. They include items such as machinery, tools and equipment, infrastructures such as housing, transport and communication, and other types such as money and human capital. It should be emphasized that these resources directly affect the ability of the farmer to be competitive in the market place.


Labour resources such as human energy and skills used in the production process are the third factor of production. It should be emphasized that unemployment is not about finding a job but about a person not using their energy and skills to produce.


Fourthly, entrepreneurship can be defined as human resources with ability to take risks and invest in ideas (business farming activities especially in value addition). Access to capital (money) and other inputs in the factor markets, access to consumers in the goods market and manufacturers in the factor market are issues related to this factor of production. Finally, allow for discussion on any other resources issues that come up, such as importance of time, access to information, role of technology, human capital development etc.

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