How you will be Assessed

In order for you to successfully complete this module you need to have a minimum of 75% attendance at all classes. You will also be required to undertake five types of assessment in the programme. The assessment types and their contribution to the final overall assessment can be seen in the table below.


Table 1 : Type of assessment and contribution to overall assessment

Type of assessment

Contribution to final overall assessment as %



Field work







As you can see from the above allocation of marks, you will be assessed on a continuous basis and in a variety of ways. All four types of assessment are compulsory and contribute to your final assessment mark. In order to successfully complete the programme, you need to get at least 50% for each one of the four types of assessment and also satisfy the 75% attendance requirement. Detailed instructions on how to complete the associated tasks successfully are found in the Module Assessment Document that can be obtained by clicking on this hyperlink.

In your module there are also a number of learning tasks that you will need to complete in class in order to gain a proper understanding of the various topics covered. Although not all these activities carry marks, it is recommended that you complete them .The icons seen in the table below are used to represent the different learning and assessment tasks you are expected to complete.

Table 2: Icons and their descriptions


Tasks to be completed


Learning tasks

These tasks are designed to help you learn and understand the different topics in the module. Some may require you to work on your own and others will involve group work. Your instructor will help facilitate completion of these tasks


There are assignments for this module. Note that assignments are compulsory and contribute to your final assessment mark. Please start working on your assignments well in advance of the due date and submit them on time.

Field work

Field work is an important component of your assessment and all the associated tasks are compulsory and contribute to your final assessment mark.

Case Studies

Case studies are important as they teach you to analyse persons, events, decisions, periods, projects, policies, institutions, or other systems that are studied holistically by one or more methods. These tasks are compulsory and contribute to your final assessment mark.


As a rural development and extension professional reflection is an important component of your work with people as this will enable you to reflect on your own practice and improve it as you go along. These tasks are compulsory and contribute to your final assessment mark.


You will be assessed end of each topic and it will be marked.




Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 License

This Learning Resource was Created by the Regional MSc AICM Program at the Haramaya University RDAE Department with Support of AgShare Project.