Confirm your answer as you read the following discussion.
There are six elements to the counseling process. They are easy to remember with the memory aid GATHER. Each letter in the word GATHER stands for an action or step that a counselor is expected to take when counseling a patient/client.
What does each letter stand for?
G Greet the patient/client.
A Ask patient/client about herself/himself.
T Tell patient/client about proper use of drugs.
H Help patient/client to understand the instructions
E Explain how to use the drugs.
R Return for follow-up.
In order to have a successful counseling session you must do the following:
- Give the patient/client the right to make his or her own decisions;
- Keep patient’s/client’s problems confidential;
- Be truthful to the patient/client;
- Give correct information;
- Recognise your own limitations in counseling in regard to specific problems.