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  • Framework to understand postgraduate students? adaption of academics? teaching materials as OER. In A. Okada (2012), Open Educational Resources and Social Networks: Co-Learning and Professional Development.

    Addresses a way of responding to one of the key challenges of OER contribution, namely academics? lack of time to re-purpose teaching materials originally intended for campus-based face-to-face lectures as stand-alone Open Educational Resources (OER). It describes how masters? students, tutors and interns at the University of Cape Town have been engaged to support the innovative practice of... more

  • Impact Study: African Health OER Network

    A formative evaluation of the African Health OER Network: Impact Study. Nairobi, OER Africa, A Saide Initiative/University of Michigan Design Phase completed at the end of 2009 focused mainly on OER take-up and production in the partner institutions (OER Africa 2009). This evaluation concluded that expectations and contractual targets had been met, or exceeded by an impressive margin, with... more

  • A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources (OER)

    A summary of key issues in OER, an analysis of those issues, and a set of appendices, containing more detailed information about speci c areas of relevance to OER. more

  • Understanding lecturer's adoption of OER: a multi-factorial approach. Presented at OEGlobal 2017, 8?10 March 2017. Cape Town, South Africa.

    Analyses the barriers and enablers of OER adoption at three South African universities, in order to better understand why South African lecturers adopt or do not adopt OER. Open Praxis, 9(2), 151-171. more

  • Researching Resistance to Open Education Resource Contribution.

    Aims to ascertain whether Engestro?m?s activity theory and its principle of contradictions is a sufficiently versatile and insightful lens to investigate non-participation of OER contribution. Activity theory was found to be useful for framing the literature and three interviews with University of Cape Town (UCT) academics and for surfacing some of the constraints in the system. An Activity... more

  • 2010-2011 African Health OER Network. Phase 2 Evaluation: Consolidation and Sustainability. Nairobi: OER Africa, A SAIDE Initiative.

    Exploring institutional experiences, to establish how the African Health OER Network project was being consolidated, and to start assessing issues of sustainability. more

  • An Emerging Typology for Analysing OER Initiatives. In Cambridge 2012: Innovation and Impact. Openly Collaborating to Enhance Education,

    A typology for analysing OER initiatives using four main categories: creation, organisation, dissemination and utilisation, and 18 sub categories to examine and analyse each initiative, with each sub category having a number of properties and possible dimensions. more

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