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OER in Africa: A Sea Change? A Keynote Address at the OpenEd 2009: Crossing the Chasm. This is a keynote address made by OER Africa Project Director Catherine Ngugi at the Open Education Conference: Crossing the Chasm held at the Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada from the 12 - 14 August 2009. The video presentation can be viewed at http://openedconference.org/archives/1030. This is a 60 minute video, you can skip the first 11 minutes of the conference introduction and welcome address. The keynote focuses on how higher education has evolved on the African continent over the past three or four decades and the relevance of OER Africa and of Open Educational Resources, within this context.

Catherine Ngugi
License Condition: Creative Commons: Attribution 2.5  
Conference Papers and Presentations
OER Africa Key Publications
OER Africa
Ngugi, Catherine