Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Case Studies Index
Types of Agricultural Policies in Kenya... Continued

Dairy Development Policy, 2006
The objective was to correct previous government policies which were unsupportive of small-scale farmers, traders and consumers who constituted a large proportion of the market. The new dairy policy now openly acknowledges the role of informal milk markets in the development of the sector and will help to legitimize small-scale milk traders, subject to them being trained and certified in milk hygiene.

Sessional Paper and Bill to Amend the National Cereals and Produce Board (NCPB) Act, Cap 338.
Sessional paper and Bill to amend the National Cereals and Produce Board was developed in 2007. The paper and Bill develops a comprehensive policy and legal framework that clearly outline the role of government in ensuring food security.

Cassava Policy
The policy is aimed at promotion and development of traditional food crops. This process is being led by ASARECA and the policy is in the process of being developed.

Nut Crops Development Policy and Bill
The purpose is to provide a legal and regulatory framework for the nut industry in a liberalized regime. A draft policy and bill were finalized and included in the performance contract for 2007/8.

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