Lesson 1
Lesson 2
Lesson 3
Lesson 4
Lesson 5
Case Studies Index

Types of Agricultural Policies in Kenya... Continued

Kenya Plant and Health Inspectorate Services (KEPHIS) Bill
This bill aimed at incorporating KEPHIS under an Act of parliament. The draft bill was included in the 2007/8 performance contract.

Activity 1 Policy Types

  1. List the objectives of all the policies in order to make comparisons and to identify their scope.
  2. Place into the same group, policies that have a similar purpose.
  3. Make a one page report on your general impressions on the policies.

Credit, Production, Marketing and Extesion Policies

This part of the lesson looks at four policies in more detail, namely Rural Financial Services in Kenya: What is Working and Why? Trends in Regional Agricultural Productivity in Kenya, Kenya Agricultural Marketing and Policy Analysis Project I, and Part II and will allow for a better feel of the policies in how they are translated into various actions. These include financing, production, marketing and general assistance from agricultural officials in the field.

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