9.1 Agricultural Technology Development

Technology is the application of knowledge in practical production purposes. Generally, technology solves problems of humankind for the purpose of improving life. Agricultural technology is related to the daily life of the rural people. Agricultural technologies can be categorized into two major types:


a. Material technology, where knowledge is applied into a technological product such as tools, equipment, improved varieties or hybrids, improved breeds of animals.

b. Knowledge-based technology such as the technical knowledge, and management skills.


The transfer of material technology to farmers generally involves the production, distribution, and sale of technology products. Therefore, the transfer process for material technology requires training and the disseminating of technical knowledge and management skills. On the other hand, most knowledge-based technologies are generally taught through farmers vocational training programs.

It is important to note that different types of crop or livestock technologies have both hardware and software components. For example, a new crop variety, as a type of material technology, cannot be fully exploited without having a complementary set of agronomic or crop management practices, including pest management. Likewise, improved breeds of livestock generally require higher levels of management, including improved nutrition, housing, and preventive health practices. Therefore, the functional relationship or linkages, both within and across different categories of technology, must be carefully examined.

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This Learning Resource was Created by the Regional MSc AICM Program at the Haramaya University RDAE Department with Support of AgShare Project.