Summary of the topic

IDevice Icon Summary of the topic

You have learned that Indigenous Knowledge encompasses all forms of knowledge, technologies, know-how skills, practices and beliefs that enable the community to achieve stable livelihoods in their environment.  Types of   IK include: resource management knowledge and the tools, techniques, practices and rules related to pastoralism, agriculture, agro-forestry, water management and the gathering of wild food. Incorporating IK into research-extension can contribute to local empowerment /Local capacity-building/ and, increasing self-sufficiency and strengthening self-determination. The indigenous institutions are organized to serve the social, economic, security and development needs of its members. They also have the responsibilities of decision-making and enforcement of resource use rules through political authority.

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This Learning Resource was Created by the Regional MSc AICM Program at the Haramaya University RDAE Department with Support of AgShare Project.