2.3 Objectives and Principles of Extension

The objectives of extension can be expressions of the end towards which our efforts are directed. Even if the fundamental objective of extension is the development of the people, the specific objectives that have been developed over time in the history of extension can be categorized as follows:

1. The dissemination of useful knowledge and information relating to agriculture, including the use of improved technologies and improved cultural practices in a variety of farming practices

2. To improve all aspects rural people lives within the framework of the national development policies and people’s need for development


Principles of Extension

Extension work has evolved basic working principles which are necessary for an extension worker to follow in planning and practicing extension activities. These principles are mentioned below.

1. The extension work must be based on the needs and interests of the people.

2. Extension work should be based on the knowledge, skills, customs, traditions, beliefs and values of the people.

3. Extension encourages people to take action and work out their own solutions to their problem rather than receiving ready-made solutions.

4. An extension programme should be flexible so that necessary changes can be made whenever needed to meet the varying conditions and need of the people.

5. Extension work should be based on the full utilization of local leadership.

6. Extension should be a co-operative action involving participatory activity in which people co-operate to pursue a common cause.

7. The success of extension education has to be measured by the level of satisfaction of the people i.e. the extension beneficiaries.

8. Extension should be based on constant evaluation. The effectiveness of the work is measured in terms of the changes brought in knowledge, skills, and attitudes and the adoption of changed behaviour of the people, and not merely in terms of achievement.

  • Operational Principles of Extension


1. Goals revolve around self-development of people through educational resources

2. Enables the people to manage changes in the social and economic arena.

3. Programmes address people's needs and their priorities.

4. Uses a group approach to enhance cost-effectiveness, creativity and to encourage democratic processes.

5. Helps people become educators by encouraging them to participate in development of the learning activities.

6. Is flexible and innovative in program approaches.


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This Learning Resource was Created by the Regional MSc AICM Program at the Haramaya University RDAE Department with Support of AgShare Project.