12.2 Characteristics of NGOs

NGOs exhibit some specific characteristics including:

a. The majority of NGOs are small and horizontally structured with short lines of communication and are therefore capable of responding flexibly and rapidly to clients' needs and to changing circumstances. NGOs often maintain a field presence in remote locations, where there is few government facilities. However, because NGOs' projects are small in size that they rarely address the structural problems. Small size, independence, and differences in philosophy also limit learning from each other's experience and the creation of effective forums, at national and international level.

b. They have pioneered a wide range of participatory methods for diagnosis and introduced approaches for testing new technology and incorporate local knowledge systems. However, NGOs have limited capacities for agricultural technology development and dissemination.

c. Most NGOs are more accountable to external funding agencies than to the clientele they claim to serve.


These previously listed characteristics have several implications for extension services which aim to develop closer links with NGOs in that Government organizations at different levels have to bring an open agenda into the partnership of GO and NGOs.

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This Learning Resource was Created by the Regional MSc AICM Program at the Haramaya University RDAE Department with Support of AgShare Project.