8.3 Improving Training Programmes for Women

The following suggestions are made for improving and redesigning extension training programmes for women:


1. Adapt programmes to women's needs and skills.

2. Allow sufficient time to enable women to acquire new skills and adjust schedules to fit women's existing workloads.

3. Provide training in agricultural and other productive activities, not just home and family welfare topics.

4. Emphasize activities for which there is an actual income-generation potential.

5. Ensure the involvement and full participation of women from poorer and less educated backgrounds.

6. Use trainers who are not only technically competent and up-to-date, but also who understand the needs and aspirations of rural women.

7. Provide practical field experience in the use of innovations.

8. Shift more resources to community-based training rather than residential training.

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This Learning Resource was Created by the Regional MSc AICM Program at the Haramaya University RDAE Department with Support of AgShare Project.