IDevice Icon Objective of the assessment tasks

To enhance your understanding of how do gender analysis in agricultural extension.

iDevice icon Case Study

Why do it? (Motivation for doing the activity)

This activity will teach you how to design suitable strategies to improve gender equity in extension programs/ services.

What (to do)

Complete the following tasks:


1. A field visit will be arranged to a village
2. At the village you will carry out a gender analysis exercise to assess the extension services offered in the village. (6hours)
3. What lessons did you learn from the gender analysis exercise?
4. Based on your findings prepare and make 10 minute PowerPoint presentation to the entire class.
5. Continue with group discussions after the class presentations.(25 minutes)
6. Prepare and submit a four page report on the lessons learned from the village gender analysis exercise.(3 hours)


Please note: Make sure that you include the names of ALL the group members at the top of your submission


Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 License

This Learning Resource was Created by the Regional MSc AICM Program at the Haramaya University RDAE Department with Support of AgShare Project.