9.3 Mechanisms to Solve Linkage Problems


Linkage help to improve resource use by avoiding the duplication of effort and ensuring critical tasks which do not fall through the institutional cracks. In an effective ATS, numerous groups depend on one another to develop improved technology to farmers.


The two basic types of linkage mechanisms are organizational and managerial. Organizational mechanisms involve the structural modification of the research and/or extension organization or the organizations that are involved in an ATS. The other major type of linkage mechanism involves a range of managerial interventions. The managerial linkage mechanisms include resource allocation procedures such as allocating time and financial resources for specific linkage activities. The actual types of linkage mechanisms between research and extension could be horizontal linkages which generally involve planning, review, and collaborative activities. While vertical linkages with each organization tend to involve resource allocation, training, and communications etc.

Figure 11: Farmers interaction with extension enhance linkages

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This Learning Resource was Created by the Regional MSc AICM Program at the Haramaya University RDAE Department with Support of AgShare Project.