9.4 Farmers’ Linkages with their Organizations

Organizational mechanisms within an extension system include improving planning and feedback linkages with farmers and their organizations. Farmers can be formally represented on permanent extension advisory committees at the district, regional, and national levels. In general, members in these advisory committees would be elected by farmers through their respective organizations, from the bottom up. Finally, there should be crop, livestock, and/or a general research advisory panel organized at the provincial and/or national level to provide the opportunity for stakeholder input into research policies, priorities, and other concerns that cut across the research system. At these higher system levels, agribusiness representatives (input suppliers and processors) may join farmers in being represented on these research and extension advisory committees.


In addition to these formal linkage mechanisms, both research and extension personnel would be expected to have regular, informal contacts with different groups of farmers in their respective service area. These linkages would occur through farmer participation in rapid rural appraisal (RRA) or participatory rural appraisal (PRA) activities (periodic needs assessment); also, they would occur while carrying out joint on-farm trials and demonstrations and during meetings and field days where farmers would have the opportunity to articulate different problems and concerns. The value of both formal and informal farmer feedback systems depends, in large part, on whether research and extension personnel, including senior management, are listening to what farmers and their representatives are saying. Too often, research and extension have become top-down, bureaucratic organizations that are not receptive or responsive to the needs of farmers. However, to become demand driven, research and extension organizations, directors, specialists and other research and extension personnel must be listening to what farmers are communicating through both informal and formal linkage mechanisms.

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This Learning Resource was Created by the Regional MSc AICM Program at the Haramaya University RDAE Department with Support of AgShare Project.