Case Study

iDevice icon Case Study 1- Distributive and Signaling Functions of Price

This video shows different markets across the same country, one is experiencing a surplus whereas the second is in shortage. The video shows a farmer and a trader in each region. We find out how the distributive and Signaling functions have impacted on the price and availability of maize, facilitating functions are composed of standardization, financing, risk bearing and market intelligence.

Please watch the video below:



Study the map below titled, “Map of Kenya Showing Maize Surplus and Deficit districts with the major internal flows.”

Based on what you have seen in the video and the map above,identify why areas of deficit have occurred and how the Government has intervened. Ensure that you use the price functions terminology contained in the section above

Create an annotated poster to teach application of the price functions to policy makers and traders using the map and your interpretation.

Size: 1 x A3 Poster

Suggested Time on Task: 1 hour

Mark allocation: 8 marks towards the course total.

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 License

This module was developed by Moi University, Department of Economics and Agricultural Resource Management with support from OER Africa and Bill & Mellinda Gates Foundation