Sub-module 2 - Approaches to the study of agricultural market organization and performance


There are many ways to analyze the agricultural marketing; each approach has been developed by theorists who require a particular emphasis or focus. Examples include:
  • Functional Approach
  • Commodity Approach
  • Institutional Approach
  • Behavioural Approach
  • Managerial Approach
  • The Structure-Conduct-Performance Paradigm
As a master’s student you are required to be familiar with and have the ability to apply each of these approaches in solving real life issues. The first approach organizes analysis of the market according to activities or functions.
IDevice Icon Sub-Module 2 Objectives

By the end of this sub module you will be able to:

  • Recognize each approach in literature and the press
  • Apply a particular approach to a specific problem.

Sub Module 2 Time Schedule

1 Lecture / Reading Time 3 hours
2 Case Study Review 3 hours 30 min
3 Seminar Activity 3 hours 30 min
4 Self-study 6 hours
  Total 16 hours


Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 License

This module was developed by Moi University, Department of Economics and Agricultural Resource Management with support from OER Africa and Bill & Mellinda Gates Foundation