Managerial Approach

Topic Introduction
Managerial approach to agricultural marketing evaluates marketing from management point of view. It deals with the management of the 4-Ps of Marketing or what is known as the Marketing Mix. The 4-Ps of marketing are product, place, price and promotion. However, the management of the 4-P’s of marketing is influenced by the environment under which a firm operates in. Such environment can be technological, political, economic and socio-cultural. In this topic an attempt is made to unpack the key features of the marketing mix and associated environmental constraints.

IDevice Icon Topic Objectives

By the end of the topic the student should be able to:

  1. Discuss the key features of the managerial approach to market analysis.
  2. Apply the managerial approach in analysis of agricultural markets


Time schedules
1 Lecture/reading
30 min
2 case study review
35 min
3 Seminar activity
35 min
4 Self study
1 hr
5 Total 2 hrs 40 min

Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 License

This module was developed by Moi University, Department of Economics and Agricultural Resource Management with support from OER Africa and Bill & Mellinda Gates Foundation