The South African National Advanced Diploma in School Leadership and Management (AdvDip: SLM) is the product of an initiative of the South African National Department of Basic Education (DBE). In response to the revised National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 and a number of new education policies, the Advance Certificate in Educational Leadership (ACE:SL) qualification was replaced by the AdvDip: SLM in alignment with the new policy requirements. This new qualification is framed by the Policy on the South Africa Standard for Principalship (DBE: 2015) which describes five key roles of school principals and highlights important aspects of professionalism and expertise required in such positions.
To design the core curriculum for the AdvDip: SLM programme, the DBE established a National Leadership and Management Committee, bringing together a representative range of stakeholders from government to unions and public higher education institutions to develop the AdvDip:SLM Programme Outline.
The AdvDip:SLM Programme Overview and Implementation Guidelines are also available.