OER Africa continues to publish a variety of materials, including books, journal articles, reports, case studies, and conference papers. These resources are designed to support and advance OER in Africa. The resources below provide our insights, best practices, and research on the impact of OER on education in Africa.

Books and Book Chapters

​Reports and Journal Articles

​Resources and Case Studies

Conference Papers and Publications

Conference Presentations

Institutional Workshops

University of Rwanda

  • Mhlanga, E. (2020). Developing a Quality Assurance Policy for ODL. Workshop at University of Rwanda. Kigali, Rwanda.

Kenyatta University

  • Mhlanga, E. (2023). Updating ACDE Quality Assurance Toolkit. Workshop at Kenyatta University. Nairobi, Kenya.
  • Mhlanga, E. (2019). Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning (PEBL). Workshop at Kenyatta University. Nairobi, Kenya.

Africa Nazarene University

Botswana Open University

Masinde Muliro University of Science and Technology

Mhlanga, E. (2024). Enhancing Quality through the ACDE Quality Assurance Toolkit. Workshop at Masinde Muliro University of Science & Technology. Kakamega, Kenya.

Durban University of Technology

  • Lelliott, T. (2021). Demystifying Open Educational Resources. Online workshop for Durban University of Technology.

Open University of Tanzania

Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning

  • Mhlanga, E. (2019). Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning Workshop. Nairobi, Kenya.

University of Pretoria

  • Abernathy, D. (2016) Draft OER Policy for Onderstepoort, University of Pretoria.
  • Abernathy, D. (2016) PAR paper based on findings of 1st year block teaching experiences.
  • Mallinson, B. (2016)  Vet Ed Africa Workshop. Onderstepoort, October 2016.
  • Moore, A. (2016) Onderstepoort Bosberaad status report.
  • Moore, A. et al (2015) Collaboration Deans Forum Proposal.

University of Free State

Other Workshops

  • Mhlanga, E. (2024). Trends in Higher Education & Implications for Quality. Workshop at Eswatini Council of Higher Education. Mbabane, Eswatini.
  • Mhlanga, E. (2024). Mainstreaming Open Distance Learning through Policy. Workshop at Malawi College of Distance Education. Blantyre, Malawi.
  • Mhlanga, E. (2023). Digitization of the Secondary School Curriculum: Workshop at Emlalatini Development Centre. Mbabane, Eswatini

OER Africa Convening

OER Africa Presentations for Hewlett Foundation

Institutional pages




Newsletter Articles

Refer to Articles and Updates for newsletters posted to the OER Africa website