Open Education Tutorials

OER Africa has developed, and continues to test, innovative alternative approaches to continuous professional development (CPD) for academics. One strategy has been to develop Open Education Tutorials for university academic staff that will empower them to embrace open education. Open education topics range from effective use of existing Open Educational Resources (OER), licensing new materials with an open licence, publishing using open access, communicating research findings to a wider audience, and facilitating online learning.

In contrast to traditional workshop-based professional development, these standalone tutorials are short, informative, engaging, and practical. They can be used for self-study, or for group study, depending on how an institution offers CPD training for staff.

The field of Open Education is exciting, very much in flux and constantly evolving! All tutorials will be updated to reflect new trends and practices. Have a suggestion for an update or revision? E-mail us at infoatsaide [dot] org [dot] za with suggestions.


Current Tutorials

This short tutorial provides a quick and simple solution to adapting open content for new purposes.

This tutorial provides guidance on how to change a research paper into an easy-to-read summary which can be shared outside academia.

This tutorial provides guidance to design and create effective learning environments.

This tutorial builds on Design for Learning I, delving into additional considerations for course builders.

A short, simple tutorial to acquire the skills necessary to search for open content, decipher Creative Commons rights and permissions, and evaluate the usefulness of OER for new purposes.

This is a short tutorial to gain some skills for facilitating online. The art of online facilitation empowers you to create connections between students, between you and students, and between students and what they are learning. These connections support and motivate students to succeed.

This is a short tutorial to acquire the skills necessary to publish or advise on publishing research using Open Access.