The focus of this module is on how teachers might use popular media, textbooks and computer technologies to create a learning environment that equips learners with the knowledge and skills to live and work thoughtfully in a changing country. The model of teaching being promoted is one that:

  • actively involves learners
  • links schooling with learners’ lives and experiences
  • develops learners’ critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

The different sections in this module present a coherent progression. Access the full version here. Alternatively, the seven sections are downloadable as individual units.

This module links well with another OER, Managing ICTs in South African SchoolsA Guide for School Principals

  • The Introduction to the Reader provides a brief but useful overview of the readings as well as an indication of how they are linked to the Learning Guide. Although there are nine useful readings, the module prescribes only five; the other four are optional. As with other modules, the readings may be used independently in supporting other courses that already exist. There are three readings in each of the three sections, which are:
  • Introductory pages to the Readings
  • Section One: South Africa: New plans for new contexts
  • Section Two: Organizations: The impact of global change
  • Section Three: Schools: The processes and constraints of change

Note on availability of readings:

Not all the copyright holders of these readings have given permission to release them digitally. Where we do have permission, the titles on the content page of each section will hyperlink to the text of the reading. In addition, a full reference list for all of the readings is provided so that you can source the readings independently. 

Alternatively, if you would like to apply for copyright permission yourself for the full set of readings, please contact us at infoatsaide [dot] org [dot] za (info[at]saide[dot]org[dot]za) and we will send you a copy of the full set of readings. Contact us if you need print copies of the readings for this purpose. 


The video is linked to sections of the Learning Guide but contains discussions which could also be used in a free-standing way by anyone interested in the use of media in teaching. The videotape focuses on the use of popular media: it does not refer at all to the use of traditional media or computer technologies. The video has ten downloadable sections:

 A DVD of the full video can be ordered from SAIDE - infoatsaide [dot] org [dot] za (info[at]saide[dot]org[dot]za) or  011 403 2813 .


The audiotape is linked to sections of the Learning Guide but contains discussions which could also be used in a free-standing way by anyone interested in the use of media in teaching. It includes interviews with teachers, as well as examples of media resources taped from radio or off a CD.

  • Part 1 - Teachers talk about the use of popular media resources in teaching - 15:42 MINS
  • Part 2 - Using popular media to teach language and literature- 6:50 MINS
  • Part 3a - Using electronic media in teaching - 5:35 MINS
  • Part 3b - Using electronic media in teaching -6:18 MINS
  • Part 4  - Understanding popular media: Media literacy- 10:08 MINS
  • Part 5  -  Using textbooks in teaching- 7:48 MINS
  • Part 6  -  Using computer technologies in teaching - 5:30 MINS