This section provides a selection of key resources and links on copyright and licensing. For more resources, please use the search feature.
The content in Section 2 drew on the following resources:
- Wikipedia: Copyright.
- Julien Hofman (2009) Introducing Copyright: A plain language guide to copyright in the 21st century. Commonwealth of Learning (COL).
- WIPO: Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary an d Artistic Works (1886).
- WIPO: Limitations and Exceptions.
- The African Copyright and Access to Knowledge Project.
- Open.Michigan: License your Work.
- University of the Witwatersrand: Copyright Guidelines for Staff & Students of the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg (WITS).
- Unesco/COL: A Basic Guide to Open Educational Resources.
The content in Section 3 "Creative Commons" drew on the following resources:
- Creative Commons: About the Licenses.
- Creative Commons (2011) What is Creative Commons? Half-page flyer.
- MIT OCW: Interpretation of Non-Commercial.
- Erik Möller (2006) The Case for Free Use: Reasons not to use a Creative Commons-NC license. In Open Source Jahrbuch 2006.
- Creative Commons: CC Affiliate Network.
- Creative Commons: Monitor: Unported License Adoption.
- Creative Commons (2009) Defining Non-Commercial.
- University of Michigan (2011) Mlibrary: Committed to Creative Commons and Compatibility.
- Creative Commons Learn (2009) Why CC BY?
- Creative Commons: Zero Waiver.
The content in Section 4 drew on the following resources:
- The Higher Education Academy: Legal Aspects of OER. In Open Educational Resources infokit.
- The Higher Education Academy: Intellectual Property Rights Considerations. In Open Educational Resources infokit.
More resources on Copyright and Licensing
To access more copyright and licensing resources, click on the links below or search our database for more resources