In May 2016, OER Africa held its most successful convening of partner institutions from East and South Africa. We were thrilled to have with us both partners in our current work and other renowned experts in the field of higher education, from Africa, the US and Israel. 

Over two days, we discussed and argued the relative merits of participatory action research as a tool for pedagogical transformation. Partners shared with us valuable examples from their own practice, of how OER and ICT were infusing pedagogy with new life and enriching the learning experience of their students. 

Candour was leitmotif of the proceedings and both practitioners and experts spoke openly of barriers they were facing and strategies they had adopted to make the best possible use of the technologies and skills at their disposal.

The final report of the Convening proceedings is now available as are all Key Notes and partner presentations.

OER Africa is extremely grateful to each individual and collective effort that made this occasion possible. We celebrate your commitment to consistently improving the quality of higher education in Africa through effective deployment of OER and ICT.

Convening Keynote Addresses

Convening Documents and Presentations

Convening Images

Please see the OER Africa Flickr Channel for more photos.