Title Download
Haj, Jema (2015). Agricultural Economics Team Report. Presentation at the Agshare Convening, March 2015.
Institutional Enablers and Challenges
Kaneene, John B (2015). Strengthening Research Capabilities. Michigan State University: Center for Comparative Epidemiology
Key Questions to Consider
Makerere University College of Veterinary Medicine (2015). Utilizing OER to Improve the Efficiency of the Dairy Value Chain in Uganda.
Mallinson, Brenda (2015). Transforming Our Agshare Courses for Engaging Teaching and Learning.
Me-Nsope, Nathalie M (2015). Gender in Agricultural Research. Michigan State University: Department of Agricultural, Food and Resource Economics and Global Center for Food Systems Innovation. Presentation at the Agshare Convening, March 2015.
Mekelle University (2015). Best Practices in Water Resources Development and Management in Tigray, Northern Ethiopia.
Moore, Andrew (2015). The Agshare Concept.
Okello-Obura, Constant; Karubanga, Gabriel; Omwenga, Maxwell (2015). Documenting Agricultural Indigenous Knowledge (AIK). CoCIS/CAES – Agshare II Project. Makerere University.
Workshop overview
Yousuf, Jemal (2015). Progress with Agshare (AICM Program). Overall AICM Program Progess and AICM Module: Farming System and Rural Livelihoods. Haramaya University: RDAE Department.