The Creative Commons licences consist of four usage conditions, which can be mixed and matched to form one of six licences.

Step 1: Choose Conditions

Attribution.  All CC licences require that others who use your work in any way must attribute it – i.e. must reference the work, giving you credit for it – the way you request, but not in a way that suggests you endorse them or their use of the work.If they want to use your work without giving you credit or for endorsement purposes, they must get your permission first.
Non-Commercial. You let others copy, distribute, display, perform and (unless you have chosen No Derivatives) modify and use your work for any purpose other than commercially. If they want to use your work commercially, they must get your permission first.
No Derivative Works. You let others copy, distribute, display and perform only original copies of your work. If they want to modify your work, they must get your permission first.
Share Alike. You let others copy, distribute, display, perform and modify your work, as long as they distribute any modified work on the same terms.If they want to distribute modified works under other terms, they must get your permission first.

Publishing under a Creative Commons licence is easy. First, choose the conditions that you want to apply to your work. 

Step 2: Get a license

Based on your choices, you will get a licence that clearly indicates how other people may use your creative work.

imageAttribution CC BY
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imageAttribution Share Alike CC BY-SA
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imageAttribution No Derivatives CC BY-ND
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imageAttribution Non-Commercial CC BY-NC
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imageAttribution Non-Commercial Share Alike CC BY-NC-SA
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imageAttribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives CC BY-NC-ND
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If authors do not wish to enforce any of the four conditions, they may waive attribution and all copyrights related to a work through the Creative Commons Zero Waiver.

If your work contains third party (i.e. not created by you) content then the Creative Commons licence compatibility wizard can assist in providing guidance for the most suitable licence to be used, because not all of the licences are compatible with one another.