This research report is an Evaluation of B.A. (Hum) Programme being an analysis of learners' opnion about various activities from programme publicity till result declaration. The purpose of this research was to make the programme more learner friendly by seeking their opinion about various activities and make necessary changes wherever possible and found fit and proper. These distance learners live isolated at different places of Swaziland and have very few occasions for a face to face contact with Academic counsellors. They need guidance about how to study in an isolated situation, write good quality assignemtns, prepare a project report and appear for final examination. The analysis of their views made recommendations for putting sample assignments and sample project reports on University of Swaziland website and the students' handbook must have information about how to study in an isolated situation. Learner orientation and workshops for their teachers about how to deal with distance learners was part of recommendations. This project report opens the doors for similar exercise for other programmes.

Satish Rastogi; Shokahle Dlamini; Abiola Akintola
Research Reports
OER research in Africa
Lambert Academic Publishing