The course is designed to equip second-year students with the skills in preparing and using teaching and learning resources, media and modern technology in teaching.

It guides the students to apply technical approaches by using up-to-date instructional materials during teaching. It also guides the students to use proper available teaching-learning resources according to the school context.  Both local (low cost and no cost) and sophisticated teaching-learning resources will be identified and analysed critically on their advantages towards effective teaching and learning in classroom lessons.

Moodle backup for the course is also available.

Said Ali Said; Abdulla
Ali Abdulla; El Nabahany
Umayra Mohamed Said; Ahmada
Raya Idrissa; Ismail
Maryam Jaffar; Ali
Hassan Rashid ; Iddi
Iddi Ali
OER courseware
Licence Description
Although we show the licence as Attribution 4.0, please confirm the actual licence shown on the resource.
State University of Zamzibar; PEBL