To present copyright as simply as possible this book breaks the topic into 12 chapters. The first chapter explains how modern copyright began and why countries agreed on international copyright protection. Chapter Two describes the international agreements that apply to copyright and the organisations that administer them. Chapters 3-7 look at how countries have implemented international copyright agreements in their domestic legislation. Chapters 8 - 11 deal with open licences, digital rights management, software protection and protection of traditional knowledge. The book ends with a chapter on the future of copyright.

Hofman, Julien
Research Reports
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Any part of this document may be reproduced without permission but with attribution to Julien Hofman and the Commonwealth of Learning. The document cannot be reused commercially and cannot be altered, transformed or built upon. CC-BY-NC-ND (share alike with attribution, non-commercial and no derivative works)
Commonwealth of Learning
Commonwealth of Learning