In this module, we shall define the basic concepts in entrepreneurship and encourage you to develop your own understanding of entrepreneurial motivation. The module also introduces the concept of small businesses and entrepreneurial characteristics. The module takes you through the process of opportunity discovery, evaluation and exploitation and how to bring goods and services to the market through design thinking and innovation. The module further introduces you to the process of protecting your ideas through intellectual property rights (IPR). It guides you into the processes of seeking IP rights for your innovations and inventions. The legal forms of businesses are introduced to allow you gain knowledge and insights that will be used in making informed choices regarding legal matters. Since entrepreneurship involves management of small businesses, the module takes you through the business planning process starting with ideation through validation, market identification, creation of the entrepreneurial management teams, production of products and services to seeking of business finance.

Moodle backup for the course is also available.

Dr Mary Namusonge; Dr Linda Kimencu; Dr Rosemarie Wanyoie
OER courseware
Licence Description
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Kenyatta University; SPHEIR; PEBL; ACU