The third module of a total of 8 modules for a two year part-time flexible distance learning course aimed primarily at medical doctors currently practising occupational health. It includes a residential block release component which consists of between 3 or 4 weeks over the two year cycle for practicum.

While the course is aimed primarily at medical doctors currently practicing occupational health, it is also suited to selected graduates with appropriate University qualifications in relevant health sciences, as long as these individuals are currently practicing professionally in an occupational health setting.

The third module of a total of 8 modules for a two year part-time flexible distance learning course aimed primarily at medical doctors currently practising occupational health. It includes a residential block release component which consists of between 3 or 4 weeks over the two year cycle for practicum.

Jeebhay, Mohamed
Ehrlich, Rodney
OER courseware
Licence Description
Postgraduate Diploma in Occupational Health (DOH) - Modules 3: Occupational Medicine & Toxicology (Basic) by Profs Mohamed Jeebhay and Rodney Ehrlich, Health Sciences UCT is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 2.5 South Africa License. Major contributors: Mohamed Jeebhay, Rodney Ehrlich, Jonny Myers, Leslie London, Sophie Kisting, Rajen Naidoo, Saloshni Naidoo. Source available from here. For any updates to the material, or more permissions beyond the scope of this license, please email or visit
University of Cape Town