A strong internet presence has become essential for every new and growing business today. The first and foremost way for a business to begin online is through designing a spectacular website that can represent its core ideas and the brand. With this need for crafting cool and amazing websites, various career prospects in web designing have rapidly emerged. This course is an introduction to the design, creation, and maintenance of web pages and websites. Students learn how to critically evaluate website quality, learn how to create and maintain quality web pages, learn about web design standards and why they're important, and learn to create and manipulate images. The course progresses from introductory work on web design to a culminating project in which students design and develop websites for local community organizations. Website Design & Development Course covers website development using the two technologies required in all webpages today: HTML (which provides structure) and CSS (which sets formatting & positioning). After a broad overview of HTML we’ll learn the basics of CSS. We’ll conclude with Responsive Web Design: a modern method for developing websites that provides optimal viewing experiences (in terms of reading, navigation, and layout) across a wide range of traditional and mobile devices.

Oyegbade Ayo Oyesina
Adegbite Oluwaseyi
Nafiu Mubashir
A.T. Akindele
Timothy I. Olabiyi
OER courseware
Ladoke Akintola University of Technology