Which ones apply to you?

Which of the following things would you like to be able to do?

  • Prepare yourself and your learners for distance learning with technology at the start of a course (Unit 1)
  • Access communities or resources for your own support and ongoing professional development (Unit 1) Also see 'Support for tutors' section)
  • Understand your role as a tutor in supporting learners involved in open learning, distance education and e-learning (Unit 2)
  • Discuss the factors typically linked to success or failure of e-learning programmes, with reference to case studies (Unit 2
  • Identify possible uses of mobile technology for learner support in your context (Unit 2
  • Support your learners in the individual and collaborative construction of knowledge (Unit 3)
  • Support your learners in moving successfully through the five stages that online learners typically go through (Unit 3)
  • Use a range of web-based tools for asynchronous communication (e.g. blogs, wikis, discussion forums, social networking, social bookmarking) in your personal or professional life (Unit 4)
  • Support your distance learners effectively through the use of asynchronous communication tools - especially discussion forums, wikis, blogs and podcasts (Unit 4)
  • Use face-to-face tutorials effectively to support the learning process (Unit 5)
  • Use a range of web-based tools effectively for 'live', synchronous communication with your learners (Unit 5)
  • Use assignments effectively as a teaching tool (Unit 6)
  • Give learners constructive feedback on their assignments (Unit 6)
  • Take action to prevent plagiarism (Unit 6)

Once you have identified which of the above outcomes are most appropriate to your needs, you can use that information to help you decide which sections of the learning guide to focus on in the most detail.